March 05, 2004

Quick Poetry

Character's name: Jefferson Daniels
What character is doing at the moment: Combing his hair until it's perfect.
What character is thinking about: The '57 Chevy he saw at the auto dealer
Most significant event in character's life: His mother died two years ago.
Character's dearest wish: To own that Chevy

That information was given to me by my poetry classmates. And I then had to write a poem about him. It was so much fun I thought that maybe we could try it here and share results!

Here's the deal:

Write an uber-short poem in any style about the described Jefferson Daniels--15 lines MAX.
Do not take a long time to do it--15 minutes MAX. (ok. So 20 minutes is fine. But no more than 20)
Have fun; we're not trying to get a TS Eliot here. (But that might be interesting.)
Then post your poem as a comment to this entry.

In a few days I'll post my version of Jefferson Daniels. But I want to see your variations on this theme without giving you a writer's block. Have fun :)

Posted by stephanie at March 5, 2004 08:39 PM | TrackBack